Meet Your NamesCon Online 2021 Moderators

Everything in moderation, including moderation —Oscar Wilde We’re welcoming top-flight moderators to NamesCon Online 2021 to guide you through a stacked agenda of fascinating conversations and presentations. These folks will keep the show running like clockwork across all three days of sessions, panels, and workshops. If domaining is a dense, fast-paced city full of twists […]

NamesCon Newcomers: Fresh Perspectives and a Desire to Learn

As we prepare for our first-ever fully online event, we wanted to include as many first-time attendees as we can. Since travel and hotel are not in the equation, the barrier for attendance has never been lower. To make a no-brainer an even less-brainer (Is that a word? It is now), we made a limited […]

5 Reasons Why Startups Should Attend NamesCon

These are exciting times because… you have decided to become an entrepreneur! You have your big, bright and shiny new idea and now you live, breathe, and sleep strategies on how to make your project come to life. Then, you get asked one of these questions: “What will you name your business?” “Are you building […]

“Hand Up For Your Start Up” Scholarship Contest

If you’ve been to Affiliate Summit’s “Meet Market” or dropped by the “Startup Alley” at Techcrunch Disrupt, you’ve seen in action the concept of a one-day exhibition hall. At NamesCon 2016, we are launching our “Network Lane” on Sunday January 10th, from 12 to 6 pm. Companies will have a high-top table and space for […]

Morgan Linton Shares Entrepreneurial Lessons From Fashion Metric Startup

Morgan Linton took the stage during the Keynote Luncheon at TDC in Fort Lauderdale today, sharing his in-depth story of what it takes to take a start-up idea from conception to launch, and how these lessons can be applied to those within the domaining industry who are hoping to propel their promising domains from good idea to […]

Why NamesCon Chose Vegas

If you’re looking for inspirational success stories of luck and fortune, look no further than iconic Las Vegas. The allure of descending upon Lady Luck in the depths of the desert is a narrative that’s been played out in popular media since the 1930s. A huge portion of our loyalty to Vegas, however, has less […]